Sound Foundations: Gongs
how to play gongs beautifully and create a multitude of sounds

Are you getting the best sounds out of your instruments? 

 Let me guess...raise your hand if you: 
- spent some serious money on beautiful gongs, but aren’t totally confident with how to play and wonder….does this sound right? 
 - don’t really know if people are really feeling the benefits when you play
 - end up playing kind of the same thing in each session and don’t really know how to create different experiences 
First off-- it's ok! A lot of sound healing courses will go deep into the healing energetics, but not so much into the practical how-to in playing the instruments. 

That's why I'm here to help! 
I'm Becca, I am a professional musician with the Hawai'i Symphony Orchestra. My original career is in playing percussion-- everything you can strike from xylophone to tambourine, cymbals and gongs! My personal health crisis led me to a dedicated study in energy work for over a decade. Now I'm bringing my two passions together in teaching Sound Healers to become the most impactful healers they can possibly be. 
This 3-hour masterclass goes over everything you need to know in order to get the best sounds out your gongs. 

During this session, we will cover the foundations of excellent technique on gongs including: 
- Variables: the factors that change how the gongs sound
 - Setting up: finding comfort for long-form session 
 - Grip: maximizing control
 - Basic techniques: single strokes, rolls and friction (flumies)
- How to play in a variety of ways to get a variety of sounds
 - Mallets and their differences

If you are currently...

starting out in sound healing and don't know where to start

a seasoned pro wanting to deepen your knowledge 

feeling stuck in a creative rut

and you're ready to....

play with ease, confidence, and grace

take your practice to the next level

lead next-level transformative sessions

Sound Foundations: Gongs

play your instruments like a pro

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Sound Foundations: Gongs$222

  • Total payment
  • 1xSound Foundations: Gongs$222

All prices in USD
